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What Is D1?

A simple yet effective Bible study method based on the principle of 1. It starts with you. Being able to read the Bible for yourself, on your own. Being able to hear from God and know what He wants for you.

Need help or want someone to do D1 with?

For examples of D1, check out our D1 playlist on YouTube where you can go through several books of the Bible with members of our staff or congregation. Playlist link is below.

Contact UsD1 Playlist
  • 1 Chapter – Just tackle a chapter at a time and ask God to speak to you.
  • 1 Verse – Write down the scripture verse that stands out to you the most.
  • 1 Thought – What insight or inquiry does this verse bring to mind?
  • 1 Moment – Take a minute to listen and respond to God in prayer.
  • 1 Person – Who are you going to share your findings with today?

We Gather Every Sunday
at 9am & 10:45am

2025 N. Murray Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80915