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We are a People

We are the ‘ecclesia’ of Christ, the gathering of His people, not a building or institution but a group of flawed and fickle individuals who have fallen on the grace of our God. Getting together in the name of Jesus is what makes us the church.

Following Jesus

We don’t need any special qualifications; we are simple people who are simply following hard after Jesus. We want to know Him more and learn His ways.

We See, We Serve, We Share and We Send like Jesus

To Those Not Yet

There will be a day that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. There are a lot of people in our sphere of influence who are just not yet ready to make that declaration. God’s desire is for all people to come to know Him. We have the privilege of making an introduction to Jesus for those who have yet to encounter Him.

Here at Envoy we are committed to accomplishing our mission by doing whatever it takes to reach Those Not Yet.

We have a few rhythms we reinforce to guide us in this pursuit.

Conformity to His Word

Proximity to His People

Receptivity to His Spirit