We have close relationships to many organizations and especially with Madison and Wilson Elementary Schools.
Neighbors focus on where we can help those in our community with their greatest needs. We’ve started a tutoring program working directly with the schools. We help families with financial needs, especially at Christmas time in coordination with our Youth Ministry. We provide backpacks filled with school supplies to children in our neighborhood. We do all these things and much much more. The neighbors program is supported by our Those Not Yet Funds. Each time you make a donation to that fund, know you are helping our neighbors!

We partner with several schools in our community, especially with Madison and Wilson Elementary Schools. We help by loving on the kids and staff. We work on and help with different projects around the school property, such as remodeling the teacher’s lounge. We also have several school functions in our building such as choir concerts, Band and Orchestra concerts, and Fifth Grade Continuation programs. We’ve also been known to help with recess/lunch duty!

In August we invite our local schools to participate in the Back to School Bash. We play games, give away all the school supplies every child in every grade might need and we make pancakes!

We hold an annual food drive in the month of April to increase the nonperishable foods and necessities for Crossfire Ministries. Crossfire then provides these resources to our neighbors in need.

Harvest Fest is at the end of October we invite the neighborhood to come for free trunk or treating, face painting, big air slide and much more. It’s an opportunity to love on our neighbors and have a lot of fun!

We financially support COSILoveYou, an organization that pairs schools with churches for support. We are fortunate to work closely with our neighboring elementary schools where we often help with clean up, upgrades to their school and encouragement for their staff as well as students. Where there is a need, we try to provide the help. We also join COSIloveU in their efforts to clean up our city by participating in the City Serve Programs.

We have the Envoy Tutoring Program, a free program created specifically for students in one of the schools we support. We partner with the school to provide reading help with students the school identifies need the most help. It has been a huge success! Every child that has participated has improved dramatically.