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When Life Hurts…Prayer Helps!

Here at Envoy we believe in the power of prayer. Because of this, we seek God’s guidance and direction through prayer in all that we do as a church and in all aspects of our daily lives. You are not alone in your situation! The staff, elders, and Prayer Team at Envoy are always available to call on God for those in need. Please share your requests with us so that we can stand alongside you in prayer. If you need some additional support, let us know so we can help you get connected with others here at Envoy who understand your struggle and can offer hope.

If you need prayer, please share the prayer request form on this page.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 39 times.

Marty Meinert

Aug. 26 my husband Phil was in a bad wreck in KS, driving to AR taking a load of bulky stuff to our new house. He went to sleep and went into a ditch of mud and tall grassy weeds beside I-70. His car is totaled, but he was not injured. A true miracle! Praise God for the mud which cushioned the impact and may have prevented his car from rolling. Pray for no more bad incidents during this time of transition. Thanks, Marty Meinert

Received: August 29, 2023

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